posted by:
Ben Sayler
on May 16, 2003
at 4:36PM
The "Higher Ed" Legacy
I'd like to build on Katheryn's legacy #4 (university parternships). It seems to me that collaborations with universities are especially likely to endure. Once university folks (from mathematics, the sciences, and education) learn how to be helpful within the world of K-12 math and science education reform, they won't forget. Many of the LSCs have served as important incubators in which university faculty are introduced to K-12 reform and figure out ways to support it. The universities aren't going away, they're filled with people who are good at obtaining grants, and once a basic model has been established for K-12/university collaboration, sustaining it doesn't seem all that expensive. One key, however, is for universities to recognize and value this type of work and to encourage and reward their faculty for participation.
A related legacy is the impact of the LSCs on teacher preparation within the universities -- and again, this is something that can endure without much (if any) added cost.