posted by:
Ana Lopez
on May 14, 2003
at 6:01PM
How can we ease the entry of the support teachers into the classroom?
At the beginning of our LSC grant, we found ourselves in the same predicament. Teachers always feel that anyone coming into their room is doing so in an evaluative form. We found we had to establish a sense of trust before doors were opened to us. Some of our professional development is set up in such a way that offers opportunity for university credit. One of the requirements is a classroom visit to observe the application of pedagogy, best practices, ELD strategies, or literacy connections modeled during our trainings. This option provides an opportunity for us to get invited to visit the school sites and interact with teachers in a non-threatening way. We set up a pre-visit conference to discuss what the teacher wants us to observe and a post-visit to debrief and interact on the delivery of the lesson keeping in mind that no evaluation is taking place.