posted by:
Patricia Maruca
on May 17, 2003
at 3:24AM
Hi Charlene,
I appreciated reading your comments, and I have to agree with you that without data anything will be a tough sell. I was also interested in your comment about presenting your data to your Board president. In a small, rural community such as ours,and with 3 newly elected members to the Board, its been difficult to overcome some of the the resistance and complaints that teachers have shared about our program. This has been frustrating and damaging. I have been trying to think of creative, non-traditional ways to present some positive info about our science program to the Board. I think that once they have an oppportunity to see that the text can and should be supplemental, and that kits provide nearly everything that the students and the teachers need, they will understand why kit-based programs are so much more valuable than traditional texts. Can you or anyone else offer me ideas for helping to better educate my Board about science reform and kit-based instruction?