posted by:
Cheryl Pilatowski
on May 14, 2003
at 3:15PM
How do we know?
In our TAPESTRIES program, all the support teachers have been in-serviced in the National Science Foundation protocol from Horizon Research, Inc. We observe the teachers twice a year, rating them on the indicators in the chosen domain (we only use one domain at a time, choosing design, implementation, or math/science content). We then conference with the teachers in a peer-coaching venue, after which the teachers write a reflection of the lesson.
We also have the teachers submit a 5-E lesson plan on a monthly basis, which gives us an idea of how they are growing and where they still might be struggling. This provides us with further sources of data. I feel the steps the teachers take should be parts of the whole, concentrating on specific areas. For example, the teachers during one month concentrate on evaluation…different assessments they can use to measure the understanding of the concept. Another month might be on how to develop higher level questioning skills. Thus, the foundation is laid. They focus on one aspect at a time, then move to the next. In answer to your last question, are the practices done consistently or periodically, I guess we will never really know the answer. We can provide all the strategies, work with them in their classroom, model, and peer coach, but it is only our hope the teachers will find the value of the professional development we have provided them and use it on a consistent basis.