This discussion addresses Part 2 of Deborah Ball's keynote address; to discuss Part 1 of Deborah Ball's keynote address, click here.
05/21/03 - 04:26
depth of the understanding
Lo, Jane-jane
05/21/03 - 11:01
professional developers
Harnish, Laura
05/20/03 - 08:54
Student Understanding
Pilatowski, Cheryl
05/20/03 - 03:36
A Different Kind of Learning
Shymansky, James
05/20/03 - 02:25
Implications for professional development
Lee, Soo-Young
05/20/03 - 08:10
Students' understandings...
Fonzi, Judith
05/20/03 - 08:02
Examining 1/2 of 6
Fonzi, Judith
05/20/03 - 07:37
Cracker - dollar ? Dollar - cracker ? Hmmmm
Fonzi, Judith
05/20/03 - 12:45
three fourths
Webster, Liza
05/19/03 - 08:59
3 of 4
Vanides, Jim
05/19/03 - 08:49
"What does it mean..."
Vanides, Jim
05/19/03 - 06:00
The example of one half
Falk, Joni
05/19/03 - 02:47
Voting and proof
Drayton, Brian
05/19/03 - 11:07
Can you vote in math?
Mokros, Jan
05/15/03 - 12:40
Exploring Task #6
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:35
Exploring Task #5
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:30
Exploring Task #4
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:25
Exploring Task #3
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:20
Exploring Task #2
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:15
Exploring Task #1
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:10
Reflections on the tasks and the opportunities the...
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:05
Discussion: Learning Mathematics from the Study o...
Ball, Deborah
05/15/03 - 12:00
Discussion: Mathematical Issues in the Video Examp...
Ball, Deborah