Discussion: Teacher Leadership: Objects and Strategies

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posted by: Kathryn Show on May 14, 2003 at 0:27AM
subject: Exploring the Path from Teacher to Teacher Leader
In the not too distant past, one was either a teacher or an
administrator. In the last few years, a middle level has been added,
that of teacher leader. The teacher leader is often out of the
classroom and is therefore viewed by teachers as in a different realm,
even though s/he may still feel like they are essentially teachers but
with an ever-expanding view of the big picture of teaching and
learning. Yet teacher leaders are not administrators. In this
transition to the middle level, how does the teacher leader adjust to
the new role and carve out an identity that is accepted and valued by
teachers and respected by administrators.

As a teacher leader, what helped you make this transition?
What are some recommendations for supporting teachers as they begin the
process of becoming teacher leaders?
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