This discussion addresses Part 1 of Deborah Ball's keynote address; to discuss Part 2 of Deborah Ball's keynote address, click here.
05/22/03 - 03:57
math skills
Warfield, Virginia
05/21/03 - 04:31
how about this
Lo, Jane-jane
05/21/03 - 10:24
how students come to solutions in general
Della-Piana, Gabriel
05/19/03 - 03:08
The role of proof...
Fonzi, Judith
05/18/03 - 01:05
Teaching Teachers to ask Great Questions
Vanides, Jim
05/16/03 - 12:18
What next?
Gilbert, Mike
05/16/03 - 11:31
Implications for PD
Fonzi, Judith
05/15/03 - 08:43
Content Knowledge for teachers and planning PD
Page, Royce
05/15/03 - 02:31
Usefulness of keynote to PD designers
Gibbons, Patrick
05/14/03 - 08:44
A really interesting question
Drayton, Brian
05/14/03 - 03:42
Content Knowledge and Content Knowledge for Teachi...
Klentschy, Michael
05/14/03 - 03:22
What this student would do next...
Stylianides, Andreas
05/14/03 - 03:14
The role of proof in mathematical content knowledg...
Collins, Anne
05/14/03 - 01:06
Question about Content Knowledge in Science
Fonzi, Judith
05/13/03 - 09:37
Content Knowledge in Science
Pilatowski, Cheryl
05/13/03 - 07:44
content knowledge in science
Tryce, Yvonne
05/13/03 - 05:08
Does the mathematical thinking and reasoning invol...
Fonzi, Judith
05/13/03 - 04:31
What if the - isn't a minus sign ?
Fonzi, Judith
05/13/03 - 03:12
Wall, Ed
05/13/03 - 03:06
Math--even numbers and is 0 even questions?
Shymansky, James
05/13/03 - 02:47
How about this
Wall, Ed
05/13/03 - 11:55
Student definitions of even numbers
Collins, Anne
05/13/03 - 11:49
Analyzing A student produced method.
Collins, Anne
05/12/03 - 12:25
Reflecting on the Mathematical Aspects of the Work
Ball, Deborah
05/12/03 - 12:20
Generating Appropriate and Usable Definitions
Ball, Deborah
05/12/03 - 12:15
Considering Students’ Definitions of Even Number
Ball, Deborah
05/12/03 - 12:10
Discussion: The Example of Defining Terms and Conc...
Ball, Deborah
05/12/03 - 12:05
Discussion: The Example of Analyzing Mathematical...
Ball, Deborah
05/12/03 - 12:00
Welcome and General Questions Related to the Keyno...
Ball, Deborah